Harmonic Team

fast group coordination

Coming Soon

What It Is

Harmonic Team is open-source software for fast group coordination.

How It Works

Group coordination through Harmonic Team relies on 3 data types:


Group knowledge is important, but just knowing the information is not enough. You also need to know who else knows that information.
Notes in Harmonic Team include the ability to confirm when you have read the note and signal to others that you are aware of the information.
Read more about awareness indicators.


Group decisions require negotiation, but back-and-forth conversation takes too long.
Decisions in Harmonic Team use acceptance voting to converge on the path of greatest acceptance as quickly as possible.
Read more about acceptance voting.


Group action has a chicken-and-egg problem. When everybody waits for everybody else to make the first move, nobody moves.
Commitments in Harmonic Team solve this problem by only taking effect if critical mass is achieved first, allowing people to signal their willingness to participate without risk.
Read more about reciprocal commitments.

Less Noise. More Signal.

Harmonic Team is intentionally designed without any discussion features.
No chat. No comments. No DMs.
Talking is not coordinating. Harmonic Team is for walking the walk.